
[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / temp.gsconfig.php

      * GSConfig
      * The base configurations for GetSimple	
      * @package GetSimple
     /** Prevent direct access */
     if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'gsconfig.php') { 
     	die('You cannot load this page directly.');
     /** Below are constants that you can use to customize how GetSimple operates */ 
     # Extra salt to secure your password with. Default is empty for backwards compatibility.
     #define('GSLOGINSALT', 'your_unique_phrase');
     # Turn off auto-generation of SALT and use a custom value. Used for cookies & upload security.
     #define('GSUSECUSTOMSALT', 'your_new_salt_value_here');
     # Default thumbnail width of uploaded image
     define('GSIMAGEWIDTH', '200');
     # Change the administrative panel folder name
     #define('GSADMIN', 'admin');
     # Turn on debug mode
     #define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);
     # Ping search engines upon sitemap generation?
     define('GSDONOTPING', 1);
     # Turn off CSRF protection. Uncomment this if you keep receiving the error message "CSRF error detected..."
     #define('GSNOCSRF', TRUE);
     # Set override CHMOD mode
     #define('GSCHMOD', 0755);
     # Enable Canonical Redirects?
     #define('GSCANONICAL', 1);
     # Use Uploadify to upload files?
     #define('GSNOUPLOADIFY', 1);
     # WYSIWYG editor height (default 500)
     #define('GSEDITORHEIGHT', '400');
     # WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config]) 
     #define('GSEDITORTOOL', 'advanced');
     # WYSIWYG editor language (default en)
     #define('GSEDITORLANG', 'en');
     # WYSIWYG Editor Options
     #define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', '');
     # Set email from address
     #define('GSFROMEMAIL', 'noreply@get-simple.info');
     # Autosave within edit.php. Value is the autosave interval in seconds
     #define('GSAUTOSAVE', 900);
     # Enable the External API to be shown on settings page 
     #define('GSEXTAPI', 1);
     # Set PHP locale
     # http://php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php
     #setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US');
     # Define default timezone of server, accepts php timezone string
     # valid timeszones can be found here http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
     # define('GSTIMEZONE', 'America/Chicago');
     # Disable loading of external CDN versions of scripts (jQuery/jQueryUI)
     # Disable Codemirror theme editor
     # Forces suppression of php errors when GSDEBUG is false, despite php ini settings
     # define('SUPPRESSERRORS',true);
     # Disable check for Apache web server, default false
     #define('GSNOAPACHECHECK', true);
     # Disable header version check
     #define('GSNOVERCHECK', true);
     # Enable alternate admin styles, current style constants are
     # note: stylesheets are cached
     # GSSTYLEWIDE = wide fluid
     # define('GSSTYLE',GSSTYLEWIDE);
     # Disable Sitemap generation and menu items
     # define('GSNOSITEMAP',true);
     # Enable auto meta descriptions from content excerpts when empty
     # define('GSAUTOMETAD',true);

[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / temp.gsconfig.php

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